Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water

"The Story of Bottled Water" in some ways, made me aware of certain things I already knew. I was aware that my local tap water is drinkable, and I often refill my used water bottles on my way out to the gym or to class or to work so I don't feel inclined to buy another bottle (the irony of this was that while watching the video i was actually drinking a bottle of Evian) but I will admit there was a lot of useful interesting info in that video I didn't know about. Of course we all know plastic PET bottles need crude oil for manufacture and for that reason I TRY not to buy a bottle every time I'm thirsty, having said that I slip up from time to time, only with the comfort of knowing that if I recycle the bottle then its really little harm done. To find out that these bottles often don't go to local recycling facilities to be remanufactured for the same purpose but instead are shipped overseas at an environmental cost to us and dumped in a developing country to then disposed of as rubbish as well in the long run means that there is no solace or consolation in buying a new bottle when we do "slip up". I feel this is something MORE people should know about and be reminded of... particularly that we're paying for something that is essentially free to us. (I posted the link to my facebook page to at least get a little awareness out there)... Like the video said, I wouldn't pay $10,000 for a sandwich. Particularly if I knew the crusts would be shipped to India to have that community dispose of it or reuse it for a lesser purpose!

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